Welcome to an exciting and playful approach to exploring movement, attention and energy modu- lation with children! YogaPlayKidzTM is a semi-structured movement playground that provides guidance for both parents and professionals. When working with children of all abilities, there is an underlying quality that fully engages them …and that is PLAY.
YogaPlayKidz is a creative, interactive and holistic approach to supporting the abilities of all chil- dren using traditional asana postures, animal and developmental movement, and the rhythm of the natural breath cycle.
Body-Mind Centering® principles can have profound effects on how children learn to know them- selves, perceive others and interact successfully in their environment. Alisa’s understanding of these principles deeply informs her approach to yoga with children.
Creating and supporting the growth and development of children in an organized and playful setting requires total acceptance, respect, and care of the whole child. In this environment they can naturally develop new relationships and skills, and expanded choice making can emerge.
Enjoy the children.
With sincere gratitude,
Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen Developer of Body-Mind Centering®

What they say about YogaPlayKidz™
What Parents Say…
“YogaPlayKidz was an amazing program for my daughter. She developed increased sensory perception and progressed physically and socially. The combination of yoga, singing and art in a group setting helped her to express herself and at the same time connect with other children. She has created new friendships and I feel that YogaPlayKidz has helped her to blossom.”
“YogaPlayKidz has given my son a much stronger awareness of his body and how to regulate himself, both physically and emotionally.”
“YogaPlayKidz makes such a huge difference in my child’s emotional and physical well-being. It helps her body feel well, it helps to ground her and it gives her a sense of her center core.”
What Children Say …
“I love YogaPlay! It makes my body feel strong.”
“Fun – YogaPlayKidz –Fun !!!”
“YogaPlayKidz makes my muscles feel strong and my body feels worked out!” “I like it, A LOT!”
What Yoga Teachers Say…
“Alisa’s manual, YogaPlayKidz, is beautiful and simple to use, while containing core BMC concepts. It helped me in planning a class for children with special needs as well as in the plan- ning for my on-going toddler yoga class series. It also supported me in embodying a few concepts within my Embodyoga® explorations, organized and lends itself to any style of yoga practice and teaching. I am grateful for this manual and how it has supported my on-going yoga teaching in general for both children and adults, after all, adults need to play too!”
~ Corinne Andrews, Certified Embodyoga® Teacher
Classes Offered
Fun · Learning · Awareness · Integration · Development · Accomplishment
For children age 2 and older YogaPlayKidz helps advance developmental movement coordination, reflexes, self-regulation, energy modulation and boundary setting with healthy, positive body awareness and skills. Alisa has extensive experience working with children, including children with special needs, and is the author of a book called “YogaPlayKidz”.
YogaPlayKidz™ (95 hr TT)
YogaPlayKidz™ is a 95 hour modular certificate program which Alisa has developed for RYT 200 Yoga teachers, pilates instructors, and other licensed body workers. It is designed to provide an experiential approach to working with children using embodied developmental movement patterns through animal archetypes, brain-body balancing, gross motor skill coordination, energy modulation, boundary setting, and chakra balancing. The Embodiment Sanctuary is a certified Children’s Yoga School accredited by the Yoga Alliance.
YogaPlayKidz ™ for parents and children ages 2 – 5 years
with Alisa Wright Tanny, E-RYT 500, Infant Development Movement Educator
Join us and learn how to support your developing child’s brain-body balance, coordination, gross and fine motor skills, reflexes, energy regulation, and boundary setting through this sensory-motor, creativity-based, relational approach to developmental movement through yoga play. Instructor Alisa Wright Tanny, Integrative Dance Movement Therapist/ Infant Development Movement Educator, has extensive experience working with children, including those with special needs, and is the author of a book title YogaPlayKidz™. For adults and children ages 2 – 5 years.
For more info/to register, contact Alisa (413-695-6950 or Alisa@TheEmbodimentSanctuary.com).