Reclaim Your Body as a Temple
Embodied Health classes and workshops focus on empowering YOU with embodied health and movement awareness skills for nourishing sustainable embodied health & vitality from within.
We will explore our inner landscapes and experiences of sensing, feeling and creating comfort, flexibility and strength; while cultivating a deeper CORE knowing of our whole body selves through guided movement mediations for reclaiming embodied trust and embodied presence.
Feet as Foundation
Strengthen the multiple arches of the foot for increased mobility and balance
Learn to articulate the toes, ankles, heel for strong support of the spine
Establish stable and consistent balance from feet to pelvis
Enliven Pelvic Power
Strengthen and tone abdominal muscles
Activate and invigorate the power of the pelvic floor
Stabilize and sustain vital life force energy
Nourish Belly & Womb
Cultivate a new relationship with your belly, uterus and ovaries
Mobilize the belly organs, tissues, muscles and structure
Revitalize, redefine and nourish your pelvic relationship
Increase Digestive Tone & Harmony
Tone digestive tract from beginning to end
Support efficient digestion through posture and tone
Strengthen spinal daily movements activating digestive organs
Support Heart, Lung & Breath
Establish comfort and ease surrounding the heart
Increase efficiency of respiration
Mobilize upper body from the organs
Strengthen Thyroid & Adrenal Glands
Manage energy fluctuations and restore energy
Cultivate and understand posture/structure to support vitality
Stimulate under-activity and reverse over-activity of glands
Balance the Nervous System
Release old habitual patterns of freeze/fight/flight with active and passive rest/digest
Cultivate and nourish the flow between back-body and front-body tone
Revitalize the master glands to support overall immune system
Build Healthy Boundaries & Support
Establish strength and sense of center core
Modulate movements from core to periphery, periphery to core
Establish and remember cellular and embryological support